How To Write New Year Wishes In Japanese

How To Write New Year Wishes In Japanese

New Year’s Celebration. At the end of the year, on Dec. 31 or even up to a few days before, use the following phrases to wish someone a Happy New Year in Japanese. The phrases literally translate as, “I wish you will have a good new year.” You have to say “良いお年を / yoi otoshi o” in Japanese to wish happy new year. Another way to convey new year wishes in Japanese is “ (新年) 明けましておめでとう (ございます) / (shinnen) akemashite omedetô (gozaimasu) ” When wishing a Happy New Year, you’ll also say 今年 ( ことし ) もどうぞよろしくお 願 ( ねが ) いします which can be translated as “we’ll be counting on you this year as well”. Keep in mind that the expression can’t be translated easily.

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